About the Cadet Teacher Training Course (CTTC)
The Cadet Teacher Training Course is a ten-hour course designed to cover the basic knowledge needed to start or remediate early level string students. While designed with pre-college students in mind, it is appropriate for older players, too, who would like to teach. Read more about the Cadet Teacher Training Course>>
Course curriculum
The curriculum, while planned in detail by each course instructor, must include a dozen features that are selected to lead to well-trained teachers of young students. The actual methods used by the course instructors may include lecture, hands-on experiences, handouts, homework, research papers, and visual presentations. Read more about the required features of the CTTC curriculum>>
Requirements for student registration
Students registering for this course must be in grade 8 or above, be privately studying the instrument(s) they propose to teach, and must be able to attend the entire course. If any sessions are missed, they can be made up at the discretion of the instructor. Certificates will not be given to students who do not complete the entire course.
Click here for the CTTC registration form.
Click here for Guidelines for instructors.
Coordination with public schools
Public schools, in addition to conducting training of their own, employ a variety of ways to utilize CTTC graduates.
Read more about schools utilizing CTTC graduates>>